Saturday, December 19, 2009

Shipyard IPA

"A malt inspired, delicate red grapefruit and lingering hop dryness." 9.2%
12oz for $5.00

Is nice....


"American Double/Imperial IPA style beer from Drakes" 9%
$4.00 for 12oz

So good...


"Deep and dark with lots of dried fruits, cherries, plums, and a nice malty sweetness." 12%
330ml for $8.00

Tastes like fish and chips... Lots of malt.

Green Flash Imperial IPA

"A super hoppy DBL" 9.4%
12oz for $5.00

Stone Double Bastard

Dark amber with malt, caramel and spicy fruit flavors. 10%
12oz for $5.00

Monday, September 28, 2009

Stone Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale

"A limited release American strong ale" from Stone Brewery, on tap at EJ Phair in Concord.  

Pours dark, dark chocolate color with a tan light cream head.  Smell of hops, bitterness.  Smooth taste, flavors of roasted malt, coffee? citrus? caramel? hops with a lingering bitter hoppy finish.

First released in Jan 2009, Alcohol by volume (ABV) 8.7%, 90 IBUs (International Bitterness Unit)

Stone makes some fantastic beers and Stone Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale is certainly one of them.